40th Naracoorte Swap Meet
40th Naracoorte Swap Meet
Sat 6th – Sun 7th May 2023, Naracoorte Showgrounds, Smith Street.
One of the largest country Swap Meets in SA. Outdoor and indoor sites of car and motorcycle parts, antiques, collectables, jewellery, crafts etc.
Outdoor site bookings not required. Outdoor sites $25 including driver.
Gates open from 12:00 noon – 9pm Friday 5th May for site holders and from 6.30am Saturday.
Saturday 7am – 5pm / Sunday 7am – 12 noon
Show ’n’ Shine
For cars and bikes pre-1980. Registration 8am –10:30am Saturday. Fee $5.00 per vehicle including driver.
Judging commences 11:00 am.
On-site catering available
Including BBQ breakfast Saturday & Sunday.
Proudly brought to you by Naracoorte Historic Vehicle Club Inc.
Phone 0408 854 658 (4-8 pm) or Email naracoortehvc@gmail.com