Loxton Mardi Gras

Loxton Mardi Gras

22nd February 2025

The 68th Loxton Mardi Gras will be held on Saturday 22nd of February.

This year’s parade will be very similar to last year’s in that the parade will be held around the Loxton Oval #2 area which is a vast and neatly maintained grass area.

This year’s theme is “Our River”.

Please refer to the attached drawing for the details on where the car club vehicles will be parked before and after the parade. You will note that this parking area is in a prime location and very
close to all the facilities.

RVCCC vehicles should enter via the A W Traeger Drive gate after 8:30 am as shown on the attached drawing and park in the ‘Car Club’ area to register with the RVCCC parade coordinator and be ready for the parade start at approx. 10:30am. The actual parade time starts at 10:45am with a few short speeches.

Please bring your own chairs and morning tea if desired.

Food and drinks will be available.

Any inquiries, please contact Barry on 0409 687 557.


22 February 2025


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

