19th PADARC Biennial Rally

19th PADARC Biennial Rally Held on 10-13 June 2022

At the beginning of winter four couples set off for Port Pirie to attend their 19th Biennial rally. Brenton and Kay, Dean and Judith, Allan and Lut and Graham and Elizabeth.

On arrival we registered at the PADARC club rooms and enjoyed catching up with others and having soup and casseroles for tea.

Saturday, we met at the oval for a Show and Shine then visited the Truck Museum where we enjoyed a BBQ lunch. Another museum we thought!!!! We were amazed. It was not just trucks but almost everything you could imagine. Displays of dolls, thimbles, elephants etc! etc! etc! all in glass cabinets. It was amazing!!

Sunday, we travelled to Mundoora for morning tea at the club/post office/and everything else the residents required. We then went on via the back roads to Gladstone Jail for a running board lunch. All very enjoyable and interesting although very cold.

The presentation dinner was held that night and Brenton and Kay Sando received the Best Car prize for the 1941-1950 category. What another surprise!

A great weekend which we all thoroughly enjoyed.
