2023 Mildura Vintage Vehicles Club Easter Rally

Held over Easter 7th to 10th April

Friday morning Tom (FC Holden) and I (48-215 Holden), set off via the Riverland to Mildura for their 24th Biennial Easter Vineyard rally where we arrived early afternoon.

Friday afternoon/evening, we collected our rally packs and had a light dinner at their clubrooms in Gol Gol. There were 64 vehicles entered.

Saturday morning, we had to be at the Buronga wetlands by 9.00am where we had morning tea and the official opening of the rally. From there, we drove to Strother Park in Wentworth where we had a running board lunch. After lunch we could visit either the Wentworth Gaol or a museum, both near where we had lunch. There was a little light rain but not enough to bother too many. We then returned via the Inland Botanic Gardens where we had afternoon tea.

Saturday night’s dinner was at the club rooms where we had a catered two course dinner and raffle.

Sunday morning, we all met at the Mildura Homemaker Centre, where we left at 9.30am for a drive out to SRS Benetook Farm. This was a very interesting set-up, designed to encourage opportunities for people with disabilities to enjoy, learn and socialize while doing activities such as horticulture, woodwork, cooking etc. We had morning tea there, followed by lunch provided by the Lions Club.

In the afternoon, those that wanted could tag along for a drive out to Red Cliffs, and back via the scenic route, where they ended up at the Holden Museum in Buronga.

Sunday night was a two-course dinner at the Mildura RSL where we had a great meal interspersed with trophy presentations.

Monday morning, for those interested, there was a breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs, fried sausages and tomatoes which was provided at the club rooms, which we all enjoyed.

Tom & I left reasonably early to come home to Pinnaroo and were home around lunch time, having had a very uneventful trip.

The Mildura Vintage Vehicles Club’s last rally didn’t occur due lock downs, so it was great to have a catch up after 4 years.

