2023 All British Day

All British Day held 5th March

Bob left Renmark at 8.00 am in Brenton’s red MG and drove to Loxton to pick Julie up where we met Dean and Judy in their maroon Rover and Kaye & Brenton in their yellow MG Y.

We all headed to Swan Reach and met up with Ed and Judy in their blue MG and Robert and Glenys in their green MG.

Morning tea was held at Swan Reach and then we proceeded across the ferry to Sedan and headed towards Mannum.

Ten kilometres out of Palmer, Brenton’s MG Y had a bad knock in the motor, so the RAA was called. Four cars became three and Brenton and Kaye joined Dean and Judy in their car and the luggage was distributed between all the cars. The RAA was very efficient and came in half an hour after saying they would be an hour. The RAA employee stayed with the car until a trailer was brought out and the MG Y was transported to Mannum and then later to Renmark.

The cars proceeded to Birdwood where we had a late lunch in a café. We drove to Hahndorf to our accommodation at the Old Mill. We heard that Ron and Leta’s yellow Austin Summerset suffered the same issue as Brenton’s MG Y.

We had Happy Hour and then went to the Old Mill for a lovely meal, where Warren and Desiree in their Morris 1100 and Robert and Elizabeth in their green MG joined the group. After a long day it was an early night for us all.

On Sunday we fuelled up to drive the 12 kilometres to Echunga for the MG Rally. At 9.00am everyone was admitted to the oval and the Club flags were put up. It rained on and off all day. Members had a good look at all the cars and left at 3.00pm.

940 amazing British cars were entered on the day and the overall winner was a E type jaguar. Also on exhibition were the older BSA motorcycles along with newer motorcycles.

Overall, it was a very well organised show, and the Committee and marshals are to be commended.

Bob and Julie
