President’s Run 2022

Tri-state Run held on 21 July 2022

It was a pleasure to host the 2022 President’s Tri-State Run.

Most participants met at Renmark (South Australia) with the remainder joining us at Yamba. Instructions were given out at Renmark for a virtual Scavenger Hunt to be undertaken on our drive to Lake Cullulleraine. Unfortunately, those that met us at Yamba missed out on the virtual Scavenger Hunt.

At Lake Cullulleraine (Victoria) we enjoyed Morning Tea. Our “mystery” lunch destination was the Gol Gol Hotel (New South Wales). Scavenger Hunt bags and responses were collected for adjudication. By 12.30pm we had all arrived and seated for lunch. Approximately 50 people were in attendance for lunch. I was fortunate to be able to catch up with the President of the Mildura Vintage Car Club. Our meals were delicious and were delivered very quickly.

With some assistance Scavenger Hunt scores were tallied. Ed & Judy received a bottle of wine for having the best score (317) by almost 100 points, whilst Peter & Jenny received a bottle of wine to commiserate for having the worst score (0), due to having failed to properly read the instructions!

After lunch, we all made our way back home (some went shopping, others went to the bottle-o).

How lucky are we that we can visit three states in one day?

