Stories from our Exodus – Darwin

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During our stay in Darwin, Desiree and I took a history discovery tour on an old Studebaker 6×6 army truck.

Apart from the general history of the city and the cyclone of 1974, it was interesting to learn about comparisons between Pearl Harbour and Darwin. I have never joined the dots together before, but Darwin was on the hit list well before Pearl harbour. Japan was wanting to expand its footprint in the Pacific. The majority of the American fleet was anchored in Pearl Harbour but 3 months later, there was a majority of Australian defence ships and merchant ships anchored at Darwin.

Darwin was a strategic site for Japan. Singapore had just fallen into their hands and Timor and PNG were in their sights. Australia was caught wanting when the first attacks came.

So, here’s some interesting facts.


Date Raided 7.12.1941 
Ships in harbour 130 (107 war/battle ships)
Ships lost / damaged 19 
Lives lost 2,403 
Japanese aircraft 2 raids 353 


Date Raided 19.02.1942
Ships in harbour 65 (war/merchant)
Ships lost / damaged 11
Lives lost 235
Japanese aircraft 2 raids 242

Darwin had half the ship numbers as Pearl Harbour. Lost proportionally more ships but lost a lot less lives.

Both Australia and the USA were unprepared for attacks on home soil.

Australia had joined forces with USA and so military hardware was brought into Darwin. Approximately 80 of these 6×6 Studebaker trucks we’re landed to help move personnel, supplies, fuel etc.

This truck is an original import to Darwin and was restored by its present owner who now runs the history tours. It has been used for the past 11 years on tours and runs like a clock.

It has a side valve, 6 cylinder petrol motor, crash gearbox, Armstrong steering, and gets between 3-4 miles / gallon!

So much to learn about this great country.

Enjoying the drive.


