Not the Australia Day Tour

Mount Gambier Veteran and Vintage Car Club Tour held 23rd-25th September

Kay and Brenton in a 71 MGB, Jude and Dean in a modern and Elizabeth and Graham in a 93 MGR attended the Mount Gambier Veteran and Vintage Car Club 2022 “Not the Australia Day Tour” held on 23rd-25th of September.

On arrival at Mount Gambier, we registered at the club rooms, did a bit of retail therapy, while others visited a truck workshop then returned to the club rooms for a pizza dinner before an early night at the cabin park.

Saturday, we travelled some back roads to Kalangadoo for a very popular and busy farmers market and a visit to the railway museum and a running board lunch in the hall nearby.

Graham then took us to Port McDonald to visit his hometown and see the sea. 

When pulling into the service station for fuel the MGB lost the muffler system!!! Thanks to the very efficient NRMA service man we were on the road again in time for dinner.

Back to the club rooms at night for a dinner and raffles.

Sunday was the show and shine at the Lady Nelson Visitor Centre followed by a visit to a Limestone quarry to see how the blocks are cut from the ground. This was most interesting.

A BBQ lunch and trophy presentations followed before heading towards home.

Another enjoyable weekend away.
