Held on 6 November 2022
A glorious spring day greeted Renmark riders as they met up for a group ride down to Berri where more bikes arrived for our last RVCCC ride of the year!
With eleven bikes of all makes, sizes and colours, we had everything from Allan’s ‘new’ 1971 250cc Honda to Ted’s Honda ST 1100 cc !
The route chosen was to ride around as much of the flooding areas as possible to get an idea of the scale of the river as it spread out across the flood plain.
Leaving Berri, we rode down into Winkie which gave us a great view of the lagoon, and then rode along Thiele Road to Loveday, crossing the Sturt Highway west of Barmera to enjoy a circuit of Lake Bonney, looking fuller than usual.
After a stop at the lake front, we headed back through Glossop to Berri, over the bridge and onto the Gurra Road. The sight greeting us was amazing, all those dry flood plain areas now flooded! The tortoise bridge crossing carried a very strong current through either side of the road which looks like going under water sometime soon!
Arriving in Lyrup we saw the river front free camping area under water as well!
With all the flooding, we were glad to find the Lyrup Club definitely dry on the outside and ‘wet’ on the inside! We all enjoyed a cool drink before heading back to Renmark via Paringa with Stanitski Road giving us an amazing view of the Pike River flood plain forming an inland sea!
A great day’s riding and all were reminded next month’s ride on the first Sunday of the month as always is the Toy and Tucker Run.